Budget Spotlights
The Municipality will be publishing regular 2024 budget articles to help inform residents about the process, why it's important, legislative requirements and how their tax dollars are being spent. Subscribe to our Newsfeed to get the articles in your email.
Click here to view the Final 2024 Budget.
Process and Timeline | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The annual budget process for 2024 is scheduled to begin in July of 2023, so that adequate time and attention can be given to proactive and informed budgeting. The budget schedule includes milestones for community stakeholders, Council, senior staff, and the Finance team. We are aiming for final adoption of the budget in December of 2023 so that we can begin the new year with a budget and plan in place. Identified stakeholders in the 2024 budget process include residents and community partners, Council, senior staff, and the municipality’s finance team. A collaborative approach to development and adoption of the budget will help us consider the priorities and planning that meet the needs of the community in a fiscally responsible manner. To enhance communication, we are once again planning bi-weekly ‘budget spotlight’ bulletins which will provide information to the public about the budget, priorities, plans for spending, legislative requirements, and the decision-making process. Below is a summary of the budget approval process and timeline. Residents are encouraged to participate in the 2024 budget process by watching upcoming meetings live on our website and participating in the public engagement survey launching in August 2023.
Budget Survey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We want to hear from you! Tell us what your thoughts are on what the Municipality should do in 2024. The Budget is one of the most important matters your elected Council will decide, and your input will help Council identify key investments and priorities and balance them with tax and fee changes. |
Budget Spotlight #1 - How Are My Tax Dollars Spent? |
The Municipality’s share of taxes pays for municipal services, such as:
For every dollar the Municipality spends:
The school boards' (educational) share of taxes is directed to:
PRIORITY INVESTMENT AREASThe Municipality’s capital budget allocations ensure that funds are invested to renew and build infrastructure to support residents in our community now and as we grow. In 2023, funds were allocated as follows.
Budget Spotlight #2 - Mississippi Mills Childcare Services |
MMCS has a capacity of 379 children, offering full day care, as well as before and after school programs, at four locations across the municipality:
All MMCS programs are planned and implemented by qualified Early Childhood Educators. Specialized services, including speech therapy and behaviour development, are also offered for each child’s individual needs through ConnectWell Community Health. The following projects are included in the draft 2024 Budget:
For more information on Mississippi Mills Childcare Services, including registration forms, visit: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/child-care.aspx. |
Budget Spotlight #3 - Protective Services |
Protective Services oversees:
Police services are provided by the Ontario Provincial Police. The Police Services Act legislates policing in Ontario and authorizes the OPP to provide:
In 2023, the OPP have responded to 1,149 calls in Mississippi Mills, surpassing the five-year average for service calls. The Mississippi Mills Fire Department (MMFD), which includes Station 1 in Almonte and Station 2 in Pakenham has. So far in 2023, MMFD has responded to 132 calls for service. The top three incidents are:
For more on Emergency Services, visit: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/emergency-services.aspx.
The Municipality responds on a complaint driven basis for By-law enforcement. Residents with concerns about property standards, noise, winter parking or other miscellaneous by-law infractions are encouraged to file a formal complaint with the Municipality. So far in 2023, By-law has filled 293 complaints, including:
For more on By-law Enforcement, visit: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-hall/by-law-enforcement.aspx.
The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires Ontario Municipalities to implement a mandatory emergency management program. Mississippi Mills has a Municipal Emergency Control Management Group which meets regularly to direct the Municipality’s response in the event of an emergency and implements the Municipality’s Emergency Response Plan.
The Municipality’s animal control regulations are based on the consolidated By-law 14-21. For more information on animal control services, visit: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/animal-control-services.aspx.
The draft 2024 Budget includes the following equipment and capital upgrades for Protective Services:
Budget Spotlight #4 - Roads and Public Works |
The key services for the Roads and Public Works Department include operations, maintenance and asset management of the Municipality’s core assets, regulatory compliance and waste services. Beautification services has also transitioned to the Roads and Public Works Department. The Municipality maintains more than 360 kilometres of roads in Mississippi Mills. The department includes 16 full-time employees, 3 seasonal and 1 casual employee. Did you know the total replacement costs of the Municipality’s core infrastructure assets is estimated at $316.8 million? How is that broken down?
The draft budget contains $6,135,385 in proposed capital projects for Roads and Public Works. Projects include:
The Municipality is responsible for winter road maintenance including plowing, sanding and salting more than 360 kilometres of roadway. The Municipality must comply with Ontario’s Minimum Maintenance Standard for all roads. For more on winter control and parking: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/winter-control-and-parking.aspx.
Treatment of Water and Wastewater is managed through a contract with Ontario Clean Water Agency, and the distribution of the watermains and wastewater collection system is managed and operated internally by Public Works. It’s important to note that water and wastewater costs are 100 per cent covered by user fees paid by those on municipal water/wastewater services. Visit https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-services/water-and-sewage.aspx for more information.
The draft budget contains $7,396,473 in proposed capital projects for Water and Sewer. Projects include:
Budget Spotlight #5 - Mississippi Mills Public Library |
MMPL’s goal is to inspire lifelong learning, provide equitable access to information, advance knowledge and strengthen our community. Their vision is an informed, engaged, creative and connected community. Christine Row is Chief Executive Officer and Monica Blackburn is Deputy Librarian. MMPL is governed by a board of trustees, composed of 7-9 individuals, the majority being representatives of the community and one member of Mississippi Mills Council. Trustees are appointed by Council for a term of 4 years. The board’s role is to provide a comprehensive and efficient public library services that reflects the community’s unique needs. It is an independent body and not a committee of Municipal Council. Some interesting statistics from the library’s most recent 2022 annual report:
Residents can access a wide range of books and media at their fingertips, but MMPL also provides meeting space for the community, Tech Tutor and 3D printing programs, as well as interlibrary loans, a digitization lab and seniors’ services, to name just a few. 2024 PROJECTS Proposed capital projects in the draft 2024 budget for the library, include:
For more information on the MMPL, visit https://missmillslibrary.com. |
Budget Spotlight #6 - Development Services and Engineering |
In 2022, the department experienced an unprecedented number of development applications – a 60% increase since 2018. So far in 2023, that busy trend has continued with four subdivision applications, proposing hundreds of new residential lots to be developed in the coming years, and 250 building permit applications received. The Municipality also launched the Affordable Housing Grant Program under a Memorandum of Understanding with Lanark County, who will administer the program on behalf of Mississippi Mills. The program provides funding in the form of a 15-year forgivable loan. Maximum funding is based on the cost of approved work items, up to $25,000, with an additional $10,000 for units built in Mississippi Mills. The MM2048 initiative was launched in 2023, under which seven Municipal projects are being undertaken through a coordinated approach. It was developed with a vision of setting a consistent course for our community well into the future. They include: Planning policy updates, Transportation Master Plan, Water & Waste Water Master Plan, Solid Waste Management Strategy, Community Services Master Plan, Development Charges Background Study and Economic Development Strategic Plan. The Municipality submitted a grant application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund in the hopes of receiving grant funds to help assist with the many projects that need to be undertaken to accommodate future growth.
2024 PROJECTS Proposed capital projects in the draft 2024 budget for Development Services and Engineering, include:
Click the links below for more information:
Budget Spotlight #7: Recreation and Culture, Community and Economic Development |
The Mississippi Mills Recreation and Culture Department strives to maintain a superb quality of life for our residents. The department:
2024 PROJECTS Proposed capital projects (subject to change) in the draft 2024 budget for Recreation and Culture, include:
For more information on the programs and services provided by our Recreation and Culture Department:
COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Community and Economic Development works in partnership with the Recreation and Culture to develop and maintain Mississippi Mills as an attractive place for residents to live, work and play. Community and Economic Development’s role is to deliver programs, policies and activities to support the economic well-being of the community. This includes:
2024 PROJECTS Proposed capital projects (subject to change) in the draft 2024 budget for Community and Economic Development, include:
For more information on Community and Economic Development, check out the Mississippi Mills Community Profile: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/build-and-invest/community-profile.aspx?_mid_=76215 |
Budget Spotlight #8 - Snapshot of the Final 2024 Budget |
The Municipality of Mississippi Mills 2024 budget demonstrates a commitment to maintain and renew the Municipality’s infrastructure and invest in assets in a way that supports growth. Projects and initiatives that support Council’s six strategic priorities have been incorporated into 2024 planning, with a focus on ensuring that Mississippi Mills is safe and sustainable, and an emphasis on a welcoming, inclusive, active, and healthy community. Municipal services and facilities are considered in the budget, and residents will see funds directed toward childcare services, libraries, and parks and recreation, to name a few. Overall, we have planned for a total of $42M in spending, with $25M going toward operating expenses and $17M to capital projects.
TAXES Property taxes are collected on behalf of the Municipality and the school boards. Residents will see a 3.4% overall increase in Municipal taxes in 2024. Of your total tax bill, approximately 50% funds Lower-tier Municipal services, 34% funds Upper-tier County municipal services and 16% funds the school boards.
The Municipality’s share of taxes pays for services that include:
CAPITAL PROJECTS A significant investment in capital and infrastructure is planned for 2024, and funding for these projects comes from a variety of sources as detailed in the chart below:
Major capital spending in 2024 includes $900,000 for the purchase of a new front run pump fire truck, over $6M in paving and roads improvements, and over $7M in water and sewer infrastructure.
FUNDING Funding of Municipal programs, services, and capital projects comes from many sources. Overall, a budget of $42 million in 2024 is funded by grants, bank financing, draws from reserves, fees and charges, water and sewer billing, and taxes.
Thank you to residents who provided feedback and responded to our budget survey, we appreciate your input and we look forward to the year ahead! |