
By-laws ensure a safe, quiet and pleasant environment for residents in the community by establishing standards and regulating community behaviour for the enjoyment of all citizens.

By-Law 101: Education Series

The By-law 101: Education Series provides quick facts about commonly asked about by-laws and policies. If there is a policy or by-law you would like to know more about, please e-mail your idea to us.

Issue 1

ATV By-Law

Issue 2

Parking/Storage of Recreation Vehicles

Issue 3

Animal Control      

Issue 4

Winter Parking 

Issue 5

Waste Management

Issue 6


Issue 7

Open Air Burning

Frequently Requested By-laws

The following is a listing of by-laws most frequently requested by the public. If there is a by-law you do not see on the list below please contact the Clerk’s department.

Please note, the information on this webpage is provided as a convenience only and should not be relied on as an official copy. Some versions of by-laws found on this website may be consolidated. A consolidated by-law is one that includes some or all amendments that have been made to it. Certified true copies of the official by-laws and consolidations may be obtained from the Clerk.

All Terrain Vehicles Safe Property (consolidated)
Animal Control (consolidated) Sale of Fireworks
Building By-law Seasonal Stands
Election Signs Signs
Littering Pool By-Law (consolidated)
Noise Taxi Licencing
Open Air Burning By-Law Traffic and Parking (consolidated)
Outdoor Illumination Transient Traders (consolidated)
Parks Use and Care of Roads
Poop & Scoop (repealed by Animal Control By-law 14-21) Waste Management & Collection
Proceedings of the Council and its Committees (consolidated) Zoning By-law
Procurement By-law (consolidated)  Winter Parking Restrictions
Property Standards (consolidated)  Fees and Charges  (consolidated)

How to Make a By-Law Inquiry or Complaint

Please provide your inquiry or complaint in writing to the Municipal Office during office hours, by email or by phone at 613-256-2064 ext 507. 

Be sure to provide your contact information as the By-law Officer will require this information for follow-up or depending on the nature of the offence, to provide evidence and/or to appear as a witness in any court proceeding pertaining to the complaint made.

By-law Enforcement

For information on by-law enforcement, including how to make an inquiry or complaint, please visit our By-law Enforcement page. 

Vegetation Management

For more information on vegetation management, please visit our Vegetation Management page.


Enacting policies within a municipality provides a framework for decision making and ensuring consistency throughout the municipality.

Please click the link below for a non-comprehensive list of active policies for Mississippi Mills.

 List of Policies
Accessibility Customer Service Policy
Adopt a Park Policy
Commemorative Bench, Tree and Bike Rack Policy
Communications Policy
Complaint Policy
Complete Streets Policy
Council and Committee Code of Conduct
Employee Code of Conduct
Flag Policy
Municipal Facility & Asset Naming Policy
Municipal Grants Policy
Petition Policy
Recruitment Policy
Sandbag Policy
Volunteer Policy