Below are Notices of Public Meetings and Notices of Complete Applications received by the Planning Department to consider and receive input on planning applications pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act. Each link below provides the notices as well as any pertinent information related to the planning application. 

If Public Meetings have been scheduled, details are below . The date, time and location of the meeting are identified in each link below in addition to a brief description of the purpose and planning contact information. 

*Updated July 11, 2024* Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application (OPA 31; Z-01-23; 09-T-23002) 
Weavers Way (formerly known as Mill Valley Estates) - 1218 Old Almonte Road 
Official Plan Amendment 31  Zoning By-law Amendment Z-01-23 *Lifting of the Holding Symbol D14-HOU-23
Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application
(D14-138-24; 09-T-21002)
Hannan Hills - 277 Florence Street North
Minor Variance Application (D13-WOO-24) - 396 Barr Side Road
Minor Variance Application (D13-JON-24) - 400 Baynes Bay Road
Minor Variance Application (D13-UNR-24) - 101 Main Street East
*Resubmission June 7, 2024* Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application
(D14-284-23; 09-T-22003)
Hilan Village
Zoning By-law Amendment Application (D14-MAR-24) - 306 Cedar Hill Side Road
Zoning By-law Amendment Application (D14-VIC-24) - 34 Victoria Street
Minister's Zoning Order (MZO) - 5400 Appleton Side Road
Zoning By-law Amendment Application (D14-350-24) - 4361 Appleton Side Road
*Updated April 25, 2024* Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application (OPA 31; Z-01-23; 09-T-23002) 
Weavers Way (formerly known as Mill Valley Estates) - 1218 Old Almonte Road 

*Official Plan Amendment 31 

*Zoning By-law Amendment Z-01-23

*Resubmission April 16, 2024* Plan of Subdivision Application (09-T-23005)
Menzie Enclaves
(no public meeting scheduled at this time) 
*Updated April 18, 2024* Zoning By-law Amendment Application (D14-COM-23) - 6299 County Road 29
Public Meeting - Building By-law Fees (Tuesday April 9th at 6pm)
*Resubmission February 28, 2024* Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application (D14-STR-23; 09-T-23005)
Brown Lands
(no public meeting scheduled at this time)
*Resubmission February 27, 2024* Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application (Z-15-22; 09-T-22006)
122 Old Mill Lane, Appleton
(no public meeting scheduled at this time)
Municipality-Initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment
(OPA 33; D14-MUN-24)

Please see our How We Grow Page for updates:

Municipality-Initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (OPA 32; Z-07-22)

Please see our How We Grow Page for updates:

Municipality-Initiated Housekeeping Amendment (D14-MUN-23)
*Resubmission January 3, 2024* Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Application
(D14-MEN-23; 09-T-23002)
Mill Run Extension
(no public meeting scheduled at this time)
Intention to Remove a Holding Symbol & Site Plan Control Application 430 Ottawa Street - Phase 1 Re-development (D11-ELM-23)

Official Plan Amendment 29 (LEAR)