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Budget and Finances

The Finance Department manages tax and water billings, budget and expenditure information, fiscal policies, accounts payable, payroll, receivables and cashier services.

Property tax is one revenue source used to pay for municipal programs and services provided to residents. Besides municipal taxes your property tax bill includes education taxes, county taxes and a waste management fee.

2024 first installment deadline – Tuesday, July 30, 2024

2024 second installment deadline - Friday, September 27, 2024

The municipality approves its capital and operating budgets annually.  The budget establishes the required tax rates as well as user fees and water and sewer rates to pay for municipal programs and services for the year.  The budget process identifies annually capital projects to be completed, such as the maintenance and replacement of infrastructure.

2024 Budget Documents

2023 Budget Documents

2022 Budget Documents

2021 Budget Documents

2020 Budget Documents

2019 Budget Documents

Mississippi Mills follows the principal that growth should pay for growth.  As a result, new development projects are required to pay Development Charges to off set the costs of expansions and upgrades to municipal services, parks and institutions to accommodate more residents in our community.

Development Charges are generally payable at the time a Building Permit is issued and are subject to a set fee established at the beginning of each year. Charges to both the local municipality and County of Lanark are applicable.

Visit our Development Charges page for current rates.

The long-term financial plan provides direction to both Council and Staff on target expenses, debt levels, reserves and taxes. The plan does not include water and sewer because they are not paid from taxes but from water and sewer rates for the service. Water and sewer has a separate financial plan.


Organizations seeking support can apply annually for municipal grants. Applications are included in the annual budget process and organizations are notified of their allocations, if approved, once the budget has been finalized. For more information please view the Municipal Grant Policy

Deadline for 2024 - November 30th, 2023 

The Municipal Grant Policy has been established by Council to provide guidelines to organizations within Mississippi Mills who are seeking modest financial assistance(up to $5000) with the following:

  1. One time start-up funding for a new community event or festival.
  2. Sponsorship funding for established community events or festivals.
  3. Funding towards partnerships between the Municipality and Organizations
  4. Funding to maintain and/or operate private structures or property that are used to the benefit of the community as a whole.
  5. Funding to support federal and provincial government grant application requirements.

Note: Any organization that received a Municipal grant and plans to apply a subsequent year, must submit a grant summary report prior to the November 30 deadline in order for any future applications to be considered.


Mississippi Mills recognizes the value of building an inclusive, welcoming and fun community. The Recreation and Culture Department awards Neighbourhood Micro Grants annually to community members who plan activities that benefit their neighbourhood. In 2024, the municipality has committed $3,600 to provide micro grants of up to $200 to residents for projects that satisfy the micro grant criteria.

This program helps build community and strengthen connections right where people live - in their neighbourhoods. Knowing your neighbours helps increase quality of life, enhances safety and security, decreases crime, and fosters a stronger sense of belonging. Residents are encouraged to develop projects that meet the needs of their neighbourhood or the greater community. Examples: Block parties to introduce new neighbours, weekly neighbourhood clean-up work parties, a birthday party for the oldest person on your street, spruce up a neighbourhood garden, offer free yoga in the park... the possibilities are endless!

To be considered, submit your completed application form to the Recreation and Culture Department ( or drop it off at the Almonte Old Town Hall, 14 Bridge Street, 2nd floor.

Note: Submission of an application does not guarantee the application will be awarded. 


A Fees and Charges Bylaw is reviewed and passed annually by Council to establish user fees for services provided by the municipality. Please click on the links below to view the by-laws.

2025 Fees and Charges By-law

2024 Fees and Charges By-law

2023 Fees and Charges By-law

2022 Fees and Charges By-law

2021 Fees and Charges By-law 

2020 Fees and Charges By-law

The water and sewer services rates bylaw is passed annually following completion of the budget and sets both an annual base charge and a rate for consumption.


Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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