Budget Spotlights 2025 #6: Development Services and Engineering

The department continues to be busy with activity. In 2023, the Municipality received 67 planning applications (minor variances, Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment, site plan/development agreement, subdivisions, etc.) and that number is currently at 56 for 2024.
The building branch of the department has issued 240 building permits so far in 2024, compared to a total of 241 in 2023.

This year, the engineering team developed a Homeowner’s Guide to Lot Grading Drainage, along with the Protection of Lot Grading and Drainage Features By-law. Postcards providing information on the new guide and how to find the guide on the Municipality’s website are available at the Municipal Office as well as the Planning/Building office at Almonte Old Town Hall.
This year, Development Services and Engineering also initiated the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 28 study: Rural Villages and Rural Vitality. This project focuses on the viability of rural areas and villages, making sure that planning policies are up-to-date to support one of the backbones of Mississippi Mills – its Rural Villages and Rural Vitality. Public consultation began this spring and extended through the summer. Members of the planning team held or attended nine events to inform the community on this project. A public survey was also launched. Focus groups will be held this month and staff will return to the public in early 2025 with draft policies for more feedback from the public. If you have a group that would like to participate in the process, do not hesitate to reach out to staff at mplanner@mississippimills.ca.
The MM2048 initiative, launched in 2023, continues to be a large focus for this department. Seven municipal projects are being undertaken through this coordinated planning approach. It was developed with a vision of setting a consistent course for our community well into the future. In 2024, planning policy updates, the Transportation Master Plan and the Water Wastewater Master Plan have been drafted for Council’s consideration. The master plans will be presented to Council before the end of 2024 for the final review.
The design for the planned watermain extension on Christian Street from Almonte Street to Wylie Street is in process. This project will improve the water pressure for residents and to provide an overall improvement in Almonte’s water system and ensure that if future water repairs have to be done, residents will not lose water services in the area.

Proposed capital projects in the draft 2025 budget for Development Services and Engineering, include:
$1.95 million – Construction of the watermain on Christian Street (50% of this cost is paid for by Development Charges)
$350,000 – Environmental Assessment for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (100% of this cost is to be paid for by Development Charges)
$75,000 – For heritage consultants to analyze and determine properties from the Heritage Register to be designated
Click the links below for more information on specific areas of the Development Services and Engineering Department:
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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