For a list of the most current Planning Fees and Charges please click on the link below:
Planning Applications
Looking to File an Application?
Planning staff are here to assist residents in filing all Planning Act applications for new development.
Residents are encouraged to contact the Planning Department by email at for a pre-consultation session to discuss the nature of an application, confirm if an application is required and seek general assistance on completing forms and reporting requirements.
The following application forms are available for pick up from the Municipal Office or can be downloaded below:
Planning and Engineering Application Fees
A consent to sever is a process to permit land division. Consent to sever (also known as severance) is under the authority of the County of Lanark’s Land Division Committee. The consent of the County’s Land Division Committee is required in order to create a new lot or lots, establish rights-of-ways or easements, mortgage a portion of a property, discharge a mortgage over a portion of a property or enter into a lease for a period of 21 years or more.
Committee of Adjustment (Minor Variance and Permission)
A minor variance can change the zoning provisions such as:
- Maximum building height;
- Minimum lot area or width;
- Distance between the lot line and the building (setback);
- Minimum landscaping requirement.
A minor variance cannot add a use that is not permitted in the Zoning By-law.
- Committee of Adjustment Forms and Information
The Official Plan determines:
- Where new housing, industry, offices, and shops will be located;
- What services like roads, watermains, sewers, parks, and schools will be needed;
- When and How parts of your community will grow;
- Community improvement initiatives.
The Official Plan is a high-level policy document. The policies are implemented through zoning, minor variances, site plan control, plans of subdivision, severance, local improvement strategies, and more detailed secondary planning processes.
- Official Plan Amendment Forms and Information
Site Plan Control is a tool that is used to make sure that land development is designed appropriately, safe, functional and minimizes potential impacts on neighbouring properties. It also makes sure that the municipal standards for development are followed.
- Site Plan Forms and Information
- Site Plan Control Highlight Sheet
- Application
- Pre-Consultation Request Form
- Site Plan Control By-law 22-041
- Site Plan Control By-law 22-055
- Site Plan Control Guidelines
- Certificate of Insurance Example
- Applicants Checklist for Site Plan Agreement Registration
- Security Release Guide
- Statutory Declaration Template
Zoning can permit land to be used for agricultural, residential, industrial, commercial and other uses. Zoning can also include a specific set of regulations (called provisions) that shape development by setting limits, such as:
- the location of the building on the property;
- the height of the building;
- the number of parking spaces required.
Zoning cannot regulate who lives in a building. Zoning also cannot determine if a proposed development is owner-occupied or rented.
Zoning By-Law Amendment Forms and Information
Subdivision and Part Lot Control
A Plan of Subdivision is a method of dividing land into two or more parcels or lots so that those parcels or lots can be held in separate ownership. The approval process is governed by Section 51 of the Planning Act and includes consideration of where streets, parks and dwellings will be located. The plan must also address servicing issues related to storm and sanitary sewers and protection of natural features such as woodlots or watercourses.
Approval of Subdivisions is under the authority of Lanark County. For a full list of active subdivision applications within Lanark County, including ones within Mississippi Mills, please visit the County's website or visit our Active Planning Notices for more information on active subdivision applications within Mississippi Mills. Please also refer to the subdivision process flow to understand the steps in the subdivision process.
Part Lot Control |
Part Lot Control prevent the possible uncontrolled division of lots within a plan of subdivision after the plan has been registered. Once a plan of subdivision has been registered, a landowner may sell any complete lot within that plan; however, part of a lot on a registered plan of subdivision cannot be transferred without the Municipality’s approval.
Design Guidelines and Tree Planting Guidelines
The purpose of cash-in-lieu of parking is to provide compensation to the Municipality for assuming the responsibility of providing parking when a landowner or developer cannot meet the minimum parking requirements established in the Municipality's Zoning By-law. Please be advised that currently the Municipality only permits cash-in-lieu of parking for non-residential parking spaces.
Cash-in-lieu of Parking Forms and Information:
Secondary Dwelling Unit is the term used by the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Community Official Plan and Zoning By-law #11-83 to refer to Additional Residential Unit. Additional Residential Units are defined by the Planning Act as a permanent residential unit that can either be in the same building as the existing dwelling or in a separate building that is accessory to the existing dwelling on a residential lot where an existing detached house, semi-detached house, or townhouse is located.
If you are interested in establishing a Secondary Dwelling Unit on your property, please review the guidelines and fill out the worksheet to submit to the Planning Department for review.
- Secondary Dwelling Unit Worksheet and Information
Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA)
If you are planning to build or alter land (e.g. excavate or fill) near a wetland, watercourse, or along a shoreline, you may require a permit from Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) or municipal planning approval.
MVCA administers a permitting process to protect peoples’ lives and property from natural hazards such as flooding and erosion, and to maintain the health of the watershed. Permits are issued in accordance with the provincial Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 153/06: Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority: Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses
Source water protection (or 'source protection') safeguards public health from drinking water threats by raising awareness and protecting the drinking water supply. Municipalities must implement source protection plans to protect existing and future municipal drinking water sources from various threats.
If the property is located within a source water protection area, a source water screening form is required initially, as part of a planning application submission. Once submitted planning staff will review the screening form and advise the applicant of the next steps.
A guide adapted from the FireSmart Begins at Home Manual and the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry's Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Reference Manual.
Municipal Lot Grading and Drainage Information
Every year, millions of litres of water flow into the municipal drainage system from residential rooftops and indoor plumbing. Most people don’t think about how the water is collected or where it goes, however, it’s a different matter when there is a torrential storm, the drainage system falters, and you get water in your basement.
This Homeowner’s Guide to Lot Grading and Drainage contains information that can help you identify how your property is part of the overall drainage in your neighbourhood, look for any problems and properly upgrade, repair or maintain your home’s lot grading and drainage system. This booklet is filled with practical drainage tips and projects that you can do yourself.
PLEASE NOTE: It is important for you to consult the Municipality before modifying any drainage swales on your property.
The Homeowner's Guide to Lot Grading and Drainage
The Purpose of Municipal Drains:
Municipal drains have been a fixture of rural Ontario's infrastructure since the 1800’s. Most municipal drains were constructed to improve the drainage of agricultural land by serving as the discharge point for private agricultural tile drainage systems. However, they also remove excess water collected by roadside ditches, residential lots, churches, schools, industrial lands, commercial lands and any other properties in rural areas. They are a vital component of the local infrastructure. Without them, many areas of the province would be subjected to regular flooding, reduced production from agricultural land and increased public health risks.
For more information on Municipal Drains, Click Here
Lorne Franklin, LET, CET, rcca Drainage Services,
Tel: (613) 592-6060 x 123 Cell: (613) 791-1335
Telecommunications Tower Process
Hydrogeological Screening Tool and Checklist
Request to Purchase Municipal Lands
The public may request to purchase municipal property, including road allowances. For detailed information about the land sale process, please contact the Planning Department at email or by phone at 613-256-2064.
To apply, please complete and submit the Request to Purchase Municipal Lands Application Form with the required deposit, as outlined in the Municipality’s current Fees and Charges By-law.
The Planning Department is happy to return a call or email residents to address general or site-specific questions. Please e-mail the Planning Department or call 613-256-2064 ext. 507.
Looking for information about an Application in your neighbourhood?
The Municipality publishes notifications of all publicly circulated applications for development approvals in the News Feed. If you would like to subscribe to the Newsfeed to get municipal updates and information please go to the News Feed subscription page.
Details including studies, site plans, and staff reports on current applications can also be found on the Interactive Mapping Tool.
Can’t find what you are looking for?
If you can’t find information about an application or development in the community, please feel free to e-mail the Planning Department or call 613-256-2064 ext. 507.
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
Planning Department
613-256-2064 ext. 507
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