Budget Spotlights 2025 #4: Protective Services

This week’s Budget Spotlight shines on Mississippi Mills Protective Services. This department oversees:
Fire and Police
By-law Enforcement
Emergency Management
Animal Control
Fire and Police
Police services are provided by the Ontario Provincial Police. The Police Services Act legislates policing in Ontario and authorizes the OPP to provide:
Crime prevention
Law enforcement
Assistance for victims of crime
Public order maintenance
Lanark County OPP now provides stats for the entire county. The top offences in the county so far in 2024, include:
Motor vehicle collisions
Violent crime (homicide, attempted murder, sexual offences, assaults/firearms related offences)
Property crime (arson, theft, break and enter, fraud, mischief)
Drug crime (possession, trafficking, importation and production)
The Mississippi Mills Fire Department (MMFD), which includes Station 1 in Almonte and Station 2 in Pakenham, has four full-time staff members and 50 volunteer firefighters. So far in 2024, MMFD has responded to 118 calls for service. The top three incidents are:
Alarm activations (smoke or CO) – 45 responses
Fires (vehicle, structural, chimney, bush) – 14 responses
Motor vehicle collisions – 13 responses
For more on Emergency Services, visit our Emergency Services page.

By-law Enforcement
The Municipality responds on a complaint driven basis for By-law enforcement. Residents with concerns about property standards, noise, winter parking or other miscellaneous by-law infractions are encouraged to file a formal complaint with the Municipality.
So far in 2024, By-law has received 219 complaints. The primary three inquiries are:
Parking issues – 76 response
Animal control – 54 responses
Property standards – 27 responses
For more on By-law Enforcement, visit our By-law page.

Emergency Management
The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act requires Ontario Municipalities to implement a mandatory emergency management program.
Mississippi Mills has a Municipal Emergency Control Management Group which meets regularly to direct the Municipality’s response in the event of an emergency and implements the Municipality’s Emergency Response Plan.
Animal Control
The Municipality’s animal control regulations are based on the consolidated By-law 14-21. For more information on animal control services, visit our Animal Control page.
The draft 2025 Budget includes the following equipment and capital upgrades for Protective Services:
$90,000 – New pickup truck for MMFD
$38,500 – Training for mandatory certification
$25,000 – Thermal cameras for MMFD
$15,000 – Equipment for confined space rescue
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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