Invitation to Annual Dedication to Indigenous Peoples

Early in the term, I started working with Mississippi Mills All My Relations, a group of community members whose mission is to respond to the calls to action outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in a respectful, concrete and achievable way.  A core belief of the group is that we all have a responsibility to help restore what was once a relationship of trust and friendship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples in our county. 

Through Mississippi Mills All My Relations, I have had the honour of meeting with Larry McDermott, Algonquin Elder from Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation. Elder McDermott agreed to provide guidance to me and Council to re-establish relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in our community. 

Although land acknowledgements have been made by Mississippi Mills in the past, the current Council wished to underline its importance. Therefore, last year we included a land acknowledgement in our revised Procedural By-law so that a statement is made by Council at least every year.

Our community has a long history of settler and Indigenous Relations. We see tomorrow’s Annual Dedication and Sacred Ceremony as a renewal of those relationships that may have been forgotten.   

Although tomorrow’s land acknowledgement ceremony will be held virtually, it will be much like our first dedication and will include smudging, the land statement and an address from Elder McDermott. Like all Council Meetings, everyone is welcome and I encourage you all to virtually attend.

To view the agenda and the live video stream of tomorrow’s meeting, please visit .  Our Council meeting will begin with the Land Acknowledgement at 6:00 p.m.

Christa Lowry
Mayor of Mississippi Mills