Shot of forest of trees

We’re looking for a few local tree enthusiasts to plan Arbour Week activities in Mississippi Mills. This year Arbour Week runs April 22nd to 28th.

The week usually includes Earth Day activities, a guest speaker(s), interactive seminars, and/or community tree walks and talks. It’s all about celebrating and learning about trees; the possibilities are endless. New ideas are welcome and encouraged!

We have some retiring volunteer committee members who are looking to pass the torch. They are happy to mentor new volunteers. The Municipality has budgeted funding and recreation staff will help with event logistics and provide event space. Almonte District High School students will also be involved!

If you are interested becoming a Arbour Week Committee volunteer or want to know more, contact Tiffany MacLaren, Manager Community & Economic Development via email or call 613-256-2064 (ext. 602)


*Dendrophile may refer to: A person who loves trees, as in Dendrophilia (paraphilia)

**Nemophilist (pronounced ne-'mo-fe-list), is an obscure word that hasn't really been used for over 100 years. It means someone with a love or fondness for forests, woods, or woodland scenery, or someone who often visits them – a 'haunter' of woods.