Spring Flood Season 2023 Property Preparation
Did you know that the Municipality of Mississippi Mills provides sand and sandbags to residents who are either affected by flooding of likely affected by flooding? The sandbags are available at any time of year, but the demand is typically higher in the late winter and spring events. Our sandbag policy can be found on our website by clicking here.
Please note that the property owner is responsible for placing sandbags on their property. In the event of a flood emergency, our Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) works with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) to initiate our Municipal Flood Emergency Plan, ensure the MVCA’s flood forecasting and warning communications are being circulated and share field observations with the MVCA.
Flood forecasting is an important service that the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority provides to our community.
A timely warning of upcoming high-water conditions is critical to helping everybody to prepare and be better able to respond.
Their flood messages are sent to the media, posted on MVCA’s website and social media channels. We also receive this information and share to our website and social media.

Here's some helpful links about how you can get prepared!
Watershed conditions: www.mvc.on.ca
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