Council Highlights - September 10, 2024
Council recognized retired Mississippi Mills Roads and Public Works employee Lornie Munro at last night’s meeting, who was presented with the Ontario Good Roads Association’s Long Standing Award for 45 years of service. The award honours individuals who have dedicated their careers to advancing the good roads cause. Lornie began his career with the former Ramsay Township in 1977 and retired in March of last year. Congratulations, Lornie! (Above: Mississippi Mills Council and members of the Roads and Public Works department with retired Roads and Public Works employee Lornie Munro, pictured with award).
Matt Carson, who recently received the prestigious Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation, was also recognized by Council. The commendation is reserved for those who have performed commendable service to the veteran community and serve as role models for their fellow veterans. Matt is a 17-year veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and Canadian Forces Reserves, co-founder of the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada and a 45-year member of the 410 Wing of the RCAF Association of Canada. Congratulations, Matt, on this well-deserved honour!

A Public Meeting was held to discuss a Zoning By-law Amendment for 784 Blakeney Road. The amendment is to rezone a portion of the lands for agricultural purposes. This matter will come before a future Council meeting for approval.
Council endorsed automatic aid agreements with the Carleton Place Fire Department, Lanark Highlands Fire Service and Arnprior Fire Department. These agreements outline level of service, apparatus that will respond and cost recovery of fire protection services provided to the Mississippi Mills Fire Department in the event they require assistance during an emergency incident.
Revisions to the Consolidated Procurement Policy were approved by Council, which includes amendments involved environmental and social sustainability, disqualifying vendors, authority provided to the Mayor and Clerk, new/increased procurement thresholds. This policy establishes guidelines for the procurement of goods and services for the Municipality.
Council proclaimed September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools, which remains a vital component of the reconciliation process. In addition, the Every Child Matters flag will fly at the Mississippi Mills Municipal Office for the month of September, as Council has endorsed since 2021.
The month of September was declared Big Brothers Big Sisters Month in Mississippi Mills by Council. The proclamation recognizes the important role Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County plays in helping children and youth reach their full potential by matching them with caring volunteer mentors.
Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:
Adoption of the Mississippi Integrated Vegetation Management Plan.
The updated Tax Registration Policy.
A Zoning By-law Amendment for 306 Cedar Hill Side Road.
The recommendation report for Official Plan Amendment 32, related to density policies.
A Notice of Motion put forward by Mayor Christa Lowry requesting staff develop a policy for monetary and non-monetary donations.
Quarterly Reports received from Protective Services and Community and Economic Development.
In her Mayor’s Report to Committee of the Whole, Mayor Lowry also presented the Q3 Partnership and Advocacy Update. This included an overview of ministerial meetings Mississippi Mills participated in at the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference on 2 Industrial Drive, the Abattoir Feasibility Study, physician shortage, economic development, childcare, food security, affordable and attainable housing and more. Click here to view the full update.
Upcoming Meetings:
Special Council Meeting – Tuesday, September 17, 1 p.m.
Hybrid Council Meeting – Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
Hybrid Council Meeting – Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 6 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow Council.
Special Council Budget Meeting – Tuesday, October 8, 6 p.m.
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