Council Highlights: February 1, 2022
Highlights of the February 1, 2022 Council Meeting
There was a special Committee of the Whole meeting held yesterday morning to have further discussions about the the draft 2022 Municipal Budget. Members considered additional budget projects including: pedestrian crossovers (Main St, OVRT), Pride crosswalks, additional Library budget $38,185.00, traffic calming measures, asphalt repair equipment, additional road work, cemetery work on Highway 29 and LTD premiums. A final report will be brought forward at the February 15th Committee of the Whole meeting, with hopes of final 2022 budget approval by Council at the March 1st, 2022 meeting.
During the regular Council meeting last night, Council approved updates to the Municipal Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy. The changes will remove some unnecessary steps in the process with the goal to make the best use of both Council’s and Staff’s time.
Preparation for the upcoming 2022 Municipal Election is underway. To assist the municipality with the administration of the election, approved the advertising for an Elections Assistant. This will be a full time 6 month contract position in which the hired candidate will provide support in the planning and execution of the Municipal Election.
As a result of increasing insurance rates across the municipality, Council approved subsidizing 50% of Long Term Disability premiums for employees. Currently employees are responsible for paying 100% of the premiums, however, going forward the municipality will now cover half of the costs.
Council voted on the allocation of additional proceeds received by the Municipality. This past fall, the Municipality sold the 28 Mills street property, the proceeds of the sale will be split evenly between general capital expenditures and water and sewer expenditures. Council also voted on how to allocate a dividend and promissory note payment from MRPC. The amount received from MRPC will be split 50% towards general capital expenditures and 50% towards water and sewer reserves. The allocation of these funds have been included in the draft 2022 Municipal budget.
Council approved an interim tax levy for 2022. This allows staff to move forward with the 2022 interim tax bill that will be issued later this month with a payment due date of March 11, 2022.
The following items were heard by the Committee of the Whole and will be brought forward at an upcoming Council meeting for final approval:
- Site Plan Control (D11-73-21) - 65 Mill Street, 73 and 75 Little Bridge Street 2022
- Municipal Election – Joint Compliance Audit Committee
The municipal office at 3131 Old Perth Road is only open to the public for payments and for scheduled appointments only. Only one (1) person is permitted at the front desk at a time, and all members of the public are required to wear a face mask while in the building. Staff will continue to check emails and voice messages regularly to continue to serve residents; please allow additional time for a response. Water samples can be dropped off at the Almonte Library branch. Payments and documents can continue to be dropped off in our secure dropbox/safe at the back of the municipal office.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – February 15th, 2022, at 6 p.m.
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – March 1st, 2022, at 6 p.m.
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