Curbside Garbage Collection
Waste collection and disposal costs are expensive and fill up landfills. Because much of what we send to the landfill is reusable, recyclable or compostable, it wastes valuable resources. Let’s do our part and waste less!
Each household can place one (1) waste container/bag out for curbside collection without a bag tag. All garbage bags must weigh less than 15 kg (33 lbs). Should you need to place additional waste containers/bags at curbside, a bag tag is required for each additional container/bag. Any colour of Mississippi Mills bag tags are still valid and can be used for the additional bags.
Annually, households can put out two containers of garbage without tags on three occasions - the week after Christmas, the week after New Years and the week after Easter. All other weeks only one container is permitted.
After Hours Contact
For all after hours curbside garbage collection inquiries, please contact :
Garbage collection
Landline: 613-257-1195
The Importance of 7 a.m. to Curbside Collection
Collectors complete garbage and recycle routes starting at 7 a.m.; however, routing changes that could affect collection times can often occur for several reasons, including new drivers, weather, road closures, and vehicle breakdowns. If items are not curbside by 7 a.m., the Municipality cannot guarantee that your garbage and recycling will be collected.
Bag Tags can be purchased ($2 each) from:
- Municipal Office, 3131 Old Perth Rd., Almonte
- ACE Country & Garden Almonte, 5736 County Road 29, Almonte (cash only)
- Clayton General Store, 2862 Tatlock Rd., Clayton
- Nicholson's Sundries, 2529 County Road 29, Pakenham
Per By-Law No. 14-33, all waste and recycle for curbside collection must be set out by 7 a.m. on your collection day to guarantee pickup.
Health and Safety of Drivers:
- Waste Drivers do not drive on private property.
- For safety reasons, a waste driver is not allowed to cross the street to pick up waste on both sides of the street, except on dead-end streets.
- For safety reasons, waste drivers complete their routes by turning to the right as much as possible - this means that the left-hand side of the street may be collected significantly later in the day.
- For safety reasons, waste drivers make every effort NOT to back up in any area - there are some exceptions to this.
- From time to time, there are areas where wires hang low and, for safety reasons, drivers do not enter these areas.
Solid Waste Management Strategy
In the fall of 2011, the Municipality of Mississippi Mills retained EXP SERVICES INC. to review the Municipality's waste and recycling programs, and consult the community on ways to improve services, address the needs of growth, and otherwise increase the performance of the town's waste diversion programs. In May of 2012, Council approved the final Solid Waste Management Strategy report, which set out a series of goals and objectives for the community over the next 20 years. Please refer to the attached link below to learn more.
Other Resources
Below are helpful links and publications which will help us all to make better choices with our waste:
Report a Concern
If you have a concern with your curbside pickup, or any other matter for waste and recycling, please fill out the Waste Concern Form on the Report a Concern webpage.
Contact Us
3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays
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