APMHAAlmonte Pakenham Minor Hockey Association (APMHA)

The objectives of the APMHA are to foster, improve and uphold the sport of hockey, to encourage sportsmanship and fair play and to provide equal opportunity for all eligible players within the APMHA boundaries. 



Almonte SoccerAlmonte Soccer Club aims to provide organized soccer to players of all ages. They provide a "grass roots" soccer program with the help of a dedicated team of volunteers and supporters within our community.





Little League

Mississippi Little League is a not for profit league established in 2006 for players 3-18 years of age, who want to learn sportsmanship and teamwork first, while learning the fundamentals of baseball and having fun.




JudoThe Almonte Judo Club is one of Almonte’s longest standing recreational groups. The club welcomes all ages to their mats for a great way to keep fit, have fun and compete. 



CPWD LogoThe Carleton Place Water Dragons (CPWD) swim club is a volunteer run, not for profit organization offering programs for swimmers of all ages and abilities. Those interested in non-competitive swimming, competitive swimming, or those interested in swimming as cross training will enjoy the Water Dragons program. Schedule a complimentary evaluation with the Head Coach to determine which of the CPWD programs is the best for you or your child’s/youth’s skill level. Contact the CPWD Registrar via EMAIL.



Carleton Place Girls Hockey Association (CPGHA) provides girls and women in the town of Carleton Place and surrounding district the opportunity to learn and play the game of hockey.



Skating Club

Almonte and Carleton Place Skating Club offer figure skating and power skating lessons for both children and adults.



Naismith Basketball

Naismith Basketball Association offers basketball programs for children from 5-16 years of age at both recreational and competitive levels.



Mississippi Mills Youth Centre

The Mississippi Mills Youth Centre, located at 134 Main Street in Almonte operates a drop in centre for youths between the ages of 10 and 18. The centre provides access to a number of different programs and events including recreation, social, educational and life skills programs, activities, workshops and events.