Budget Spotlight #1 - How Are My Tax Dollars Spent?
From August to December, the Municipality will publish bi-weekly articles to inform residents and provide insight into the roles of each Municipal department and how your tax dollars are being spent.
As they are released, all Spotlight topics can be found here: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-hall/budget-spotlights.aspx.
To have the articles delivered to your inbox, subscribe to our Newsfeed: https://www.mississippimills.ca/modules/news/en.
Property taxes are collected on behalf of the Municipality and the school boards. Of your property taxes, approximately 50% funds Lower-tier Municipal services, 34% funds Upper-tier County municipal services and 16% funds the school boards.

The Municipality’s share of taxes pays for municipal services, such as:
Fire Services
Parks maintenance
Recreation programs
Snow removal / winter maintenance
For every dollar the Municipality spends:
46% comes from Property Taxes
5% comes from Grants and Subsidies
18% comes for Rate Revenue (water, wastewater and stormwater)
21% comes from User Fees
2% comes from Reserves
6% Other Revenues and Penalties
The school boards' (educational) share of taxes is directed to:
Upper Canada District School Board
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
Conseil Scholaire Catholique De District Centre/Est
Conseil Des Ecoles Publiques De L’Est
Priority Investment Areas
The Municipality’s capital budget allocations ensure that funds are invested to renew and build infrastructure to support residents in our community now and as we grow. In 2023, funds were allocated as follows.
Roads and Public Works – 57%
Water & Sewer – 26%
Recreation & Parks – 6%
All other capital projects – 11%
For more information on the 2024 Municipal Budget and Budget Spotlights, visit: https://www.mississippimills.ca/en/municipal-hall/budget-spotlights.aspx.
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