Register for 2024-25 Recreation Programs at the MM Community Open House September 11
Fall is in the air and that means it’s time to register for the 2024-2025 municipal recreation programs!
Join us to find out more at the Mississippi Mills Community Open House (formerly Mississippi Mills at a Glance) on Wednesday, September 11 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the John Levi Community Centre (arena) in Almonte.
Register for the following municipal recreation programs at the open house:
Pickleball (Pakenham)
Youth Volleyball (NEW!)
Volleyball (Ladies and Mixed)
Basketball (Ladies)
Badminton (Adult Mixed)
Youth Hockey (Pakenham)
Shuffleboard (Almonte)
Yoga (Pakenham)
Looking for a new hobby or thinking about lending a hand to a local service club? The MM Community Open House also provides the opportunity to learn more about programs offered by local organizations. Nearly 40 local groups, social clubs and organizations are registered to attend, including:
Almonte Tennis Club
Mississippi Masonic Lodge
Almonte Curling Club
Mississippi Mills Youth Centre
Bridging Generations
Friends of the Mississippi Mills Public Library
Carleton Place Water Dragons
Friends of the Cedar Hill Schoolhouse
Almonte Quilter’s Guild
Home Hospice North Lanark
North Lanark Senior Games Association
Almonte & Area Artists Association
And many more!
Come visit with them and discover a new community group and a world of volunteering opportunities at your fingertips.
Interested in showcasing your club or organization? Call the Mississippi Mills Recreation & Culture Department at 613-256-2064 ext. 605 or email before September 8 to secure a spot.
Can’t make it to the open house? There’s another chance to register for programming on Saturday, September 21 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Stewart Community Centre in Pakenham.
Please note: Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Spaces are limited.
Check for more information.
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