Mayor Lowry Joins AMO Delegation in Push for Action on Intimate Partner Violence
Mayor Christa Lowry was invited to participate in a multi-ministerial delegation at the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference, held in London, Ontario, August 20 to 23.
Mayor Lowry opened roundtable discussions, which were facilitated by Lindsay Jones, AMO Director of Policy and Government Relations. The intent of discussions was to seek a Provincial-Municipal collaboration to address gender-based and intimate partner violence (IPV).
In December 2022, Lanark County was the first to declare IPV an epidemic, which is Recommendation #1 of 86 from the June 2022 Inquest into the 2015 murders of Anastasia Kuzyk, Nathalie Warmerdam and Carol Culleton, in neighbouring Renfrew County. The release of these inquiry recommendations has brought communities and partners together with new urgency to build awareness of the growing impact of IPV and gender-based violence, and the need for coordinated government action.
“We have seen an escalation of intimate partner violence in our own community and across the province,” states Mayor Lowry. “I’m proud that Lanark County Council took the step to declare IPV an epidemic which has enabled discussions in communities across Ontario over the last number of months. Gender-based violence is an everyone problem, that will take everyone to eradicate – all orders of government, policing, social services and many other organizations in our communities.”

The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses reported 52 femicides in Ontario in 52 weeks over 2021-2022. In 2023 alone, there have been 30 femicides in Ontario in 30 weeks.
Over 40 Ontario Municipalities have passed resolutions declaring IPV an epidemic, including the Municipality of Mississippi Mills on January 17, 2023. The AMO Board has also joined with Municipalities and the Federal Government to make the declaration.
During the conference, AMO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA). This agreement commits the two organizations to a formal relationship that will increase dialogue, involvement in AMO policy development, events and initiatives. ONWA CEO Cora McGuire-Cyrette also participated in the delegation.
Involved in the roundtable discussions from the Province were Minister of Solicitor General Michael Kerzner; Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services; and Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity.
In addition to Mayor Lowry, municipal representatives involved in the roundtable discussion included City of Brampton/Peel Region Councillor Rowena Santos, Region of Waterloo Councillor Colleen James, and City of Ottawa Councillor Riley Brockington.
A record-breaking over 2,400 people attended the 2023 AMO Conference. The Mississippi Mills contingent included Mayor Lowry, Almonte Ward Councillor Jane Torrance and CAO Ken Kelly. The annual conference provides an opportunity for municipal officials to come together to address critical issues facing their communities and direct dialogue with Provincial Ministers.
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