Downtown Almonte Construction Update - July 21, 2023
The Downtown Almonte Revitalization Project is entering its final stages. Please see below for the latest construction update, as of July 21, 2023.
Phase D – High Street
Cavanagh Construction has indicated a partial closure of High Street parking lot for completion of asphalt works rescheduled for Monday, July 24. A drawing of the affected areas is marked below. Residents and businesses within this area are asked to move vehicles prior to Monday, July 24.
During this time, users of the High Street parking lot are encouraged to use alternative municipally owned parking lots. These lots are represented on a map attached below.

Phase E – Little Bridge Street
Unfortunately, due to weather, asphalt works for Phase E – Little Bridge Street have been pushed to Monday, July 24.
All Phases – Entire Project
Cavanagh Construction is scheduled to complete the final lift of asphalt for the entire project between July 27 and July 28. During this time, Little Bridge, Mill Street and the intersection of Brae Street and Mill Street will be closed to vehicle traffic with a detour in place. Sidewalks remain open to pedestrian traffic.

Residents and businesses with inquiries can contact Hilary Lalonde, Project Manager, at 613-298-8524 (cell),
After hours, please contact:
Tim Rainville, Sewer & Water Superintendent – 613-282-5018 (cell)
Randy Kubusheskie, Roads Superintendent – 613-913-9252 (cell)
The Municipality of Mississippi Mills would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during this construction project.
Municipal contacts:
Robert Smith, Project Manager, Roads & Public Works Technologist – 613-256-2064 ext. 404,
Cory Smith, Director of Roads & Public Works – 613-256-2064 ext. 401,
For more information, please visit
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