Downtown Almonte Construction Update - July 19, 2023
The Downtown Almonte Revitalization Project is entering its final stages. Please see below for the latest construction update, as of July 19, 2023.
Phase E – Little Bridge Street
Cavanagh Construction has completed the installation of new concrete sidewalks within Phase E – Little Bridge Street of the downtown core reconstruction project. Crews are focusing efforts on final road grading operations in preparation for asphalt placement. The current schedule indicates placement of asphalt along Little Bridge Street on Friday, July 21.
Phase C – Brae Street / Phase D – High Street
Cavanagh Construction is completing landscaping and asphalt preparation works within Phase C – Brae Street / Phase D – High Street of the downtown reconstruction project. Placement of top lift asphalt is scheduled to be completed Thursday, July 20. During this time High Street and Brae Street will be closed with vehicle detour in place. Sidewalks remain open to pedestrian traffic. Line painting is scheduled for evening, with the streets open to vehicles again prior to Friday, July 21.

All Phases – Entire Project
Cavanagh Construction is scheduled to complete the final lift of asphalt for the entire project between July 27 and July 28. During this time, Little Bridge, Mill Street and the intersection of Brae Street and Mill Street will be closed to vehicle traffic with a detour in place. Sidewalks remain open to pedestrian traffic.
Residents and businesses with inquiries can contact Hilary Lalonde, Project Manager, at 613-298-8524 (cell),
After hours, please contact:
Tim Rainville, Sewer & Water Superintendent – 613-282-5018 (cell)
Randy Kubusheskie, Roads Superintendent – 613-913-9252 (cell)
The Municipality of Mississippi Mills would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation during this construction project.
Municipal contacts:
Robert Smith, Project Manager, Roads & Public Works Technologist – 613-256-2064 ext. 404,
Cory Smith, Director of Roads & Public Works – 613-256-2064 ext. 401,
For more information, please visit
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