Council Highlights: October 5, 2021
Highlights of the October 5th, 2021, Council Meeting
Council approved the 2021 Water and Wastewater rate study. This study prepared by Watson’s and Associates was brought forward by Acting Director of Public Works Cory Smith and replaces the 2015 Water and Wastewater Rate Study. It outlined how Mississippi Mills water and wastewater rates compare to surrounding municipalities, and set the rate increases for the next 10 years.
Council appoints a new Chief Building Official. Mark Jeffery has been appointed as the new Chief Building Official for Mississippi Mills. Mark brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the municipality and most recently worked for the Township of Muskoka Lakes and Seguin Township.
Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #17: Council approved waving fees for name changes. For the next 5 years, the administrative fee for commissioning documents will be waived for residential school Survivors and their families who reside in the Municipality of Mississippi Mills to reclaim their names changed by the residential school system.
Council approves the creation of an Indigenous Working Group as part of the Bicentennial Planning Committee. Council approved the creation of The Indigenous Bicentennial Working Group (IBWG) as a working subcommittee to the Mississippi Mills Bicentennial Planning Committee.
Council is considering a pilot program regarding affordable housing. This program would help facilitate the construction of additional dwelling units or additional dwellings for homeowners in Mississippi Mills. Council will be deliberating on this initiative during the 2022 budget discussions.
The following staff reports were heard by Committee of the Whole and will be brought forward at an upcoming Council meeting for final approval:
- Mill Street Gas Main Realignment
- Reciprocal Agreement with Lanark Highlands regarding shared Chief Building Official Services
The municipal office at 3131 Old Perth Road is open to the public for payments and for scheduled appointments only. Only one (1) person is permitted at the front desk at a time and all members of the public are required to wear a face mask while in the building. Staff will continue to check emails and voice messages regularly to continue to serve residents; please allow additional time for a response. Water samples can be dropped off at the Almonte Library branch. Payments and documents can continue to be dropped off in our secure drop box/safe at the back of the municipal office.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – October 19, 2021, at 6 p.m.
- Virtual Special meeting of Council – October 26, 2021 @3:30pm
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – November 2, 2021, at 6 p.m.
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – November 16, 2021, at 6 p.m.
- Virtual Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – December 7, 2021, at 6 p.m.
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