Council Highlights - June 7, 2022

Last night, the start of Council began with a procedural matter relating to a point of privilege. A point of privilege is a motion that can be made by any member of Council if they feel that the health, safety, or integrity of an individual or Council is being negatively impacted. Councillor Dalgity rose on point of privilege stating that a breach of corporate policy and the Code of Conduct by Councillor Guerard negatively impacts the integrity of Council. As per the process, Mayor Lowry ruled on the point of privilege asking for an apology from Councillor Guerard. Councillor Guerard apologized and remained in the meeting room for the duration of the
Council meeting.
Three public meetings were held at last evening’s Council Meeting for zoning bylaw amendments. Staff gave a presentation on Additional Residential Units (Secondary Dwelling Units). A report will be prepared for approval at a future meeting that will fully consider any and all public comments received. Council also heard from staff on an amendment to rezone a property in Ramsay from Rural Commercial Zone to Rural Commercial Special Exemption Zone to add Automotive Sales Establishment as an additional permitted use. The third meeting consisted of a presentation with respect to rezoning a lot in Ramsay from “Rural Zone” to “Rural Special Exception” to facilitate residential development. The special exception is required to implement the 30-metre setback from active agricultural operations to residential lots.
Mississippi Mills Council approved offering residents a $40 rebate for the purchase of a backyard composter, rather than continuing with the current practice of selling them at the Municipal Office. This simplified process will help reduce staff time, create more storage space, and offer residents the opportunity to choose a composter that better suits their needs. Twenty-five rebates will be available per year and residents will be required to fill out a rebate application form.
With provincial Covid-19 restrictions now lifted, Mississippi Mills is looking forward to the return of traditional festivals and events. As such, Council approved staff working with the Celtfest and Puppets Up! Festival Committees to plan safe parade routes for 2022. (Celtfest will take place July 2nd and 3rd. Puppets Up! is set for August 12th and 13th).
Council approved the installation of a 6-part age-friendly wellness trail on public lands in downtown Almonte and directed staff to work the committee to choose appropriate locations and equipment. The Age Friendly North Lanark Committee, Carebridge Community Support, All My Relations and the St. Paul’s Anglican Church partnered and successfully received funding from the Canada Community Revitalization Fund. Their objective was the creation a self-guided community activity circuit welcoming seniors and those with disabilities/promote wellness by bringing people to public spaces/revitalize downtown core/stimulate local economy.
Proposed changes to the Mobile Canteen and Seasonal Stand By-law were approved last night to include a provision for refreshment carts. The changes will give staff and applicants a clearer understanding of licensing requirements. The Fees and Charges Bylaw was also amended to reflect the new Refreshment Cart Rate. The community is encouraged to visit local food trucks and farm stands this summer!
Council welcomed new staff at Tuesday’s meeting – Shannon Gutoskie joins the Municipality as the Communications Coordinator. Shannon previously worked as a Communications Specialist with Mississippi Valley and South Nation Conservation Authorities.
The Committee of the Whole heard the following items, which will be brought forward at an upcoming Council meeting for final approval:
- Supply and Delivery Front Mount Mower
- Canada Wide Early Years Childcare Agreement
- ATV By-Law
- Award of Main St. Pedestrian Crossover
- Sale of Non-Viable Lands Appleton
- Windstorm Update
- Site Plan Control By-law and Associated Guidelines
- Planning Act Changes, Pre-consultation By-law and Planning Department Level of Service Report
- Official Plan Amendment 29 and Zoning By-law Amendment Z-04-22 - Prime Agricultural Area Designation Review (LEAR)
As we re-open Council Chambers to members of the public, we have a limit of 20 in the viewing gallery, which will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Preregistration is no longer required.
While masking is not required members of the public are encouraged to wear a mask as social distancing may not be possible.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – June 21st, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
- Hybrid Special meeting of Council – June 21st, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.
- Summer Recess: July
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – August 9th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – August 23rd, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
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