Council Highlights - August 9th, 2022
Highlights of the August 9th, 2022 Council Meeting
At last night’s meeting, Council approved extending the terms for Mississippi River Power Corporation’s (MRPC) Directors Adrian Foster and Lyman Gardiner to end at the close of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of MRPC that is to be held in the spring of 2024 to allow for a smooth transition. A selection committee will also be struck to recruit a 6th Director specifically with the necessary financial knowledge and expertise to become the Treasurer of MRPC after suitable orientation as part of the Board’s succession plan.
Council received a final investigation report from Integrity Commissioner Tony Fleming with respect to a Code of Conduct complaint against a Member of Council. An Integrity Commissioner investigation was conducted following the receipt of a formal complaint relating to the actions of Councillor Cynthia Guerard where she breached corporate policy and the Municipal Code of Conduct. As a result of the investigation, Council approved the Integrity Commissioner’s recommendation to suspend Councilllor Guerard’s pay for the maximum period of ninety days. All municipalities in Ontario are required to appoint an Integrity Commissioner and there is a detailed process to follow when a formal complaint is received. The full report can be found here.
Council congratulated Mississippi Mills’ Mechanic Ben Kipp on his advancement to the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors’ (AORS) Provincial Truck Roadeo in Napanee next month after placing second at the Lanark County Truck Roadeo, which was held in May. The purpose of the AORS Provincial Safety Truck Roadeo is to showcase the expertise of the best municipal equipment operators in Ontario. The competitors are the winners of Roadeos in their Local Associations. They have already been successful in elimination rounds and are among the best equipment operators across the province. The Roadeo promotes safety, courtesy and professional public works driving skills in a challenging competition. This is Ben’s 6th trip to the Provincials.

Council welcomed two new staff members at Tuesday’s meeting: Luke Harrington, Roads and Public Works Technologist, recently graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with a focus on Municipal Water Systems and Highway Engineering. He brings with him private sector and GIS experience that lends itself to Municipal construction projects and the asset management program.
Zack Moshonas, Roads and Public Works - Environmental Compliance Coordinator, graduated with an advanced diploma in Environmental Technology and spent time working in a southern-Ontario Environmental Engineering Consulting Firm’s Solid Waste Management group serving various types of public and private clients including waste management planning and technical services to many First Nation communities.
The Committee of the Whole heard the following items, which will be brought forward at an upcoming Council meeting for final approval:
- Asset Management Plan for Core Infrastructure: As per Provincial regulations, municipalities were required by July 1, 2022 to have an approved asset management plan for core assets (roads, bridges and culverts, water, wastewater and stormwater management systems) that identifies current levels of service and the cost of maintaining those levels of service. Mississippi Mills worked with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to meet the milestones as set out by the Province and the Plan was approved by Council.
- Memorandum of Understanding with Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority for Part 8 Septic System Review Services
- Councillor Holmes put forth a Notice of Motion with respect to shooting ranges and resolved that Council direct staff to research other municipality’s by-laws that regulate shooting ranges and bring forward a report to Council for consideration. This stems from correspondence received from residents regarding their concerns about shooting ranges in the municipality
The staff reports below were approved at a Special Council Meeting following Committee of the Whole.:
- Small Quantity Asphalt Paving be awarded to GOA from 2022-2024 with the option for two, one-year extensions
- Extension of Recycling Contract with Emterra for one year
- Extension of Marshall Lake Road Development Agreement
- Lifting of the Holding Zone on Mill Valley Retirement Living
- Site Plan Control By-Law and Fees and Charges By-Law Amendments
The Special Council Meeting was held in order to meet contract deadlines, to allow for certain works to commence and to expedite a by-law amendment.
As we re-open Council Chambers to members of the public, we have a limit of 20 in the viewing gallery, which will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Preregistration is no longer required.
While masking is not required members of the public are encouraged to wear a mask as social distancing may not be possible.
Upcoming Meetings:
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – August 23rd, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – September 6th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
- Hybrid Regular meeting of Council and Committee of the Whole – September 20th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
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