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Council Highlights - August 15th, 2023

Council launched its Bail Out Fundraiser, in partnership with Lanark County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), at Tuesday evening’s meeting with a special video. During summer recess, some of our members of council have gotten themselves into hot water! The OPP has ‘charged’ the following council members:

  • Mayor Christa Lowry for over the limit caffeine consumption

  • Councillor Bev Holmes for always overscheduling herself

  • Councillor Vicki Lowe for being an underaged grandma

  • Councillor Jane Torrance for playing her bagpipes

To view the video, visit:" target="_blank".

Help get our council members out of this jam by making a donation to Lanark County Food Bank – The Hunger Stop. According to the food bank’s latest annual report for 2021-2022, the number of clients served in 2022 increased by 40% over 2021. Mississippi Mills residents make up 25% of the food bank’s client base, which also serves Carleton Place and Beckwith. 

Donations of non-perishable food items can be made at the following locations: Mississippi Mills Municipal Office (3131 Old Perth Road); Almonte Library (155 High Street); and Pakenham Library (128 MacFarlane Street). To make a monetary donation, visit: The campaign runs from August 16th to August 31st.

Council held three public meetings to consider Zoning By-law Amendments for 364 Spring Street, and 5012 March Road, as well as a Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision for Hilan Village on Carss Street. Council will consider these matters at a subsequent meeting. Those who wish to make written comments, can do so with the Planning Department via

Council appointed Deputy Mayor Rickey Minnille, Councillor Bev Holmes and Councillor Mary Lou Souter to work with staff on a Market Salary Review process to review the job description of the Chief Administrative Officer.

A By-law was passed to appoint Lorne Franklin as Tile Drainage Inspector for Mississippi Mills.

Committee of the Whole also heard the following items, which will be brought forward for approval at a future Council meeting:

  • Updates to the Petition and Proclamation Policies, providing better clarity and ease for public participation.

  • The allocation of $5,000 in project funding for Cahdco to assist in the pre-development phase of Carebridge Community Support’s project at 34 Victoria Street in Almonte.

  • Administrative review of the Council Remuneration and Mayor’s Expenditure Policy to reflect current practices. The policy will undergo a more fulsome review in 2025.

Bicentennial Events:

  • August 18-20 – ‘Come Home to Pakenham’ Weekend at Stewart Community Centre/Fred Millar Park. Events include a craft beer festival, history display, baseball games, family dance, a community paddle and more.

  • August 17-31 – Movies in the Park.

  • September 9 – OPP Golden Helmets perform in Pakenham.

  • September 15 – Meet the Artists of The Seven Gifts, hosted by Sivarulrasa Gallery.

  • September 17 – Unveiling of The Seven Gifts art installation at Riverfront Park.

  • September 23 – ‘The Story of Almonte’ Part 2 – documentary film by Rob and Sharon Newton. Stop by the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum at 2 p.m. to view part 2 of this documentary with a special introduction by Rob and Sharon Newton. Donations to the food bank will be accepted.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Hybrid Council Meeting – August 29th, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow council.

  • Hybrid Council Meeting – September 5th, 2023, 6:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole meeting to follow council.


Contact Us

3131 Old Perth Rd
Box 400
Almonte ON, K0A1A0

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on Statutory Holidays

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