Affordable Housing Spotlight #5

Affordable Housing Spotlight #4 looked into what Lanark County does to support the homelessness programs. This week we are focusing on what Lanark County is responsible for when it comes to subsidized housing and distributing funding from provincial and federal governments.
Every year, the social services department releases a report to County Council that reviews housing and homelessness initiatives and levels in Lanark County. This report went to the Community Services Committee on June 8, 2022. The full report can be found here.
Building off the report, we have summarized some of the services and projects that Lanark County is responsible for:
1. Additional Rent-Geared to income and Portable Housing Benefit
Over the past year, Lanark County has focused on increasing rent-geared to incomes and potable housing benefit spaces. this has included 10 additional portable housing benefit (PHB) spaces, 10 additional rent supplement spaces and the replacement of lost rent supplement spaces with PHB spaces.
2. New Builds and Projects
In March 2022, a new housing development project in Carleton Place opened at 7 Arthur Street. The building contains 15 rent-geared-to- income units and 5 affordable housing units. It contains 4 fully accessible units and consists of 1- and 2-bedroom units to help address the high demand for smaller homes.
Also, in April 2022, the County awarded a contract to Carebridge Community Support for the construction of 28 units at 44 Chambers St., Smiths Falls. The building will contain 21 one-bedroom units, 6 two-bedroom units and 1 three-bedroom unit. Also, seven of the units will be accessible.
3. $6.5 in Social Services Relief Funding through the pandemic
Over the course of the pandemic, more than $6.5 million in provincial Social Services Relief Funding was issued to the county, which supported multiple initiatives and allowed for five additional capital projects:
- Lanark County Interval House purchased six housing spaces in Perth
- Shardon Manor will add nine new beds
- Victoria House completed renovations
- Rideau Ferry Country Home completed renovations
- 2B Developments are undertaking a capital project
4. Provincial and federal funding 2022-2023
The Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI) is distributing $430,845 among eligible housing providers on a per-unit basis. The initiative will protect tenants living in projects with expiring operating agreements/mortgages and promote the long-term sustainability of non-profit housing providers.
Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) funding of $395,000 will be distributed among four programs: Homeownership, Ontario Renovates, Support Services and Administration. OPHI will provide flexible funding to address local housing priorities and improve access to affordable housing options.
The Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) allocates $1.3 million in five programs: Emergency Shelter, Housing with Related Supports, Services and Supports, Homelessness Prevention and Administration. Municipalities can use the CHPI funding to address local priorities and better meet the needs of individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. CHPI has two key program outcomes: That people experiencing homelessness obtain and retain housing, and that people at risk of homelessness remain housed.
5. Development of the Affordable Market Housing Toolkit
The County has recently developed a strategy to identify municipal tools to support the development of housing which is affordable to Lanark residents with low to moderate incomes. The creation of the housing toolkit included an investigation into the current housing needs in Lanark County and public and community engagement. The result is the development of an action plan with a vision, goals, and recommended actions
with timelines.
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